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We offer 3 types of weekly services to best suit your needs, plus one-time, filter and algae cleaning.

1. Chemical Only:
This service consists of properly adjusting and maintaining the chemical balance of your pool. This includes monitoring chlorine/salt levels, ph level, alkalinity, calcium hardness and cyanuric acid levels

2. Chemical and Brush:
This weekly service includes all of the proper chemical adjustments your pool needs plus the addition of wall brushing and surface skimming. We will also clean out your skimmer basket and pump basket

3. Full Service:
This weekly service option provides your pool with the ultimate cleanliness and chemical balance. This includes chemical adjustment, wall brush, surface skim, skimmer and pump baskets emptied out, weekly vaccum of pool bottom, pool filter cleaned monthly and replaced when necessary (filter cartridge is separate fee)

One Time Cleaning:
The one-time cleaning service will provide your pool with everything it needs to get it back in tip top shape! We will balance the pool chemistry and provide a thorough cleaning that includes vacuum and filter cleaning. This is a perfect option if you are planning on having company over, selling a home or just need some help getting caught up on your pool maintenance

Green to Clean (algae removal):
Algae can quickly get out of control if not treated and eliminated from the pool water. Our Green to Clean service is sure to get your pool back to being sparkling clean in 3 visits or less. This service guarantees the removal of all algae from the pool by utilizing the pump vaccum. Upon removal of algae all chemicals will be properly balanced

Filter cleaning:
We will remove your filter and thoroughly rinse and clear it from any debris. The filter canister will also be drained and washed out. We can clean DE filters as well and will adjust the correct amount of DE powder.